A deposit of $500 will be required before the date is scheduled on the calendar. Inspection of the facility following usage will occur after the event and if no damages have occurred, and building has met the Cleanliness Specifications (as listed on packet given to you at signing) the deposit will be returned. However, the party hosting event will be charged for any damages that occur to property or extra custodial services.
All Building Use Applications are subject to review and approval by Salt Lake Christian Center Staff.
The following will be included in price of rental: Use of requested rooms, janitorial service before and after event, all requested chairs, tables, etc. will be placed in requested room prior to event.
Renter's responsibilities include: Placing all trash in dumpster (located in north parking lot), removal of all decorations, placing all chairs, tables, etc. in the room in which they were found (unless otherwise arranged with office staff).
The undersigned agrees to be financially responsible for any damage or broken equipment that occurs as a result of the function and paying full agreed upon amount by date of event (unless otherwise arranged with office staff).
Once rental application has been reviewed you will be contacted regarding any rental fees associated with this contract.
Salt Lake Christian Center retains the right to bill the undersigned if Cleanliness Specifications are not met and/or damage is done to the building.