Sermons Finish the Race Pastor Jared encourages believers to keep the faith and finish the race in the face of opposition, attack, or discouragement!Pastor Jared BuchtaJanuary 31, 2021
Sermons Jesus Was Born for our Mess The message of Christmas is Jesus came to this world to save. He walks into our mess and brings salvation and forgiveness for everyone who believes!Pastor Jared BuchtaDecember 20, 2020
Sermons Advent | Update and Announcement Announcement for Advent Service on Sunday evenings at 7 PM!Pastor Jared BuchtaDecember 2, 2020
Sermons God Will NOT Be Mocked In light of the upcoming election, Jared shares on the importance of speaking up and standing for Biblical values. Jesus’ disciples are called to be Salt and Light. Jared teaches…Pastor Jared BuchtaNovember 1, 2020