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True Power

By July 25, 2024No Comments

Just as it was THEN—so it is NOW.

Power is never satiated. It growls for more. 

Those who hunger for it will claw for the shiny thing by any means necessary to possess it.

During those THEN days of time in Samaria, a man named Simon reveled in the notoriety of clamoring crowds amazed by his magic. His audiences bequeathed him opportunities to bask in the glory they bestowed on him.

“This man IS the very power of the God who is called Great.” 

As it was THEN, so it is NOW. Simons care NOT whether the coinage pouring in is from the affluent, or from the ONE coin of a beggar’s last hope. What matters is satiating his gluttonous craving for power.

Simon exploits those who find themselves in the throws of pain, fear, or paralysis. They come equally desperate—consumed by desire for relief.

How a Simon acquires his personal jets, exotic vacations, or multiple properties is of no consequence to him. A Simon THEN or NOW will Cherry-pick scriptures to justify why the WIDOW should send her small pension for that “word of blessing.”  SIMONS will continue to remain hidden behind smoke and mirror until their MAGIC SHOW “ministry” is unveiled by the HOLY presence of GOD ALMIGHTY. Pride falls HARD!

Simon of Samaria had EVERYTHING…until he DIDN’T!

The gift Jesus promised descended after his ascension.

Believers in Jesus’ virgin birth, atoning death on the Cross for sin, and resurrection from the dead were baptized by the Holy Spirit with power to proclaim JESUS in every language. The once fearful believers came out of hiding, EMPOWERED  to declare the Good News that God had granted the repentance that LEADS TO LIFE  not just for the Jew but also the Gentile! And the church multiplied.  

The religious cartel holding the power in Jerusalem began to rage. They sent out vulturous persecutors to ravage and uproot Christ-followers, scattering them into the regions of Judea and Samaria. And again, the church multiplied.

The Holy Spirit, led Philip to leave Jerusalem and join those preaching Christ in Samaria—SIMON’S TERRITORY. Massive crowds gathered, awed by what Philip preached—amazed by the signs they saw. Unclean spirits, crying out with loud voices, came out of many who had them. Numbers of the paralyzed and lame were healed…PERMANENTLY! 


Incantations were NOT necessary. A SIMON type entertainer using sweeping motions of gold laden arms across a crowd, duping them into believing God’s power had toppled them over like dominos—was not NEEDED. Superstitions about voicing negative declarations lest they become someone’s reality was NOT preached.  The impossibility of healing a person bound to a wheelchair was NOT sidelined for a leg-lengthening sleight of hand magic trick. no…no…no…

As it was THEN so it is NOW—God’s great power is simple. God said, 

LET THERE BE LIGHT…and so it was.  We simply ask God—He answers.

Many Simon’s both THEN and NOW have come to faith, yet still crave power. This Simon begged for it—offering the apostles money to obtain it. A NASTY request—the apostles instructed THIS Simon to repent of his wickedness, beseeching God THAT IF POSSIBLE the PUTRID INTENT of his heart be forgiven—SO that the bonds of iniquity be removed from him. He must surrender that GOD alone possesses ALL the power to make an IMPOSSIBLE thing POSSIBLE! GOD ALONE HAS THE POWER TO AFFECT the TRANSFORMATION OF A POISONED HEART! 

TRUE POWER is when an individual within whom Christ dwells takes great delight in the fact that his STRENGTH is BANKRUPT, AND his WEAKNESS is the unclogged ARTERY THROUGH which Christ’s POWERFUL STRENGTH IS MADE MANIFEST FOR GOD’S GLORY and GOD’S GLORY ALONE! It is God ALONE who possesses ANY and ALL power to AFFECT ETERNAL AND LASTING TRANSFORMATION!

Isaiah 55:1
“Come all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?”